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Dive into our treasure trove of expert insights, tips, and strategies designed to help local businesses thrive in the digital landscape. From website design and development to location-based advertising and social media management, our blog covers everything you need to elevate your brand and stay ahead of the competition.

On Screen Ads with Krull Cinemas

Introducing an exciting partnership between Lewis Marketing and Krull Cinemas, shining a spotlight on local businesses! Already have a 30-second ad? We’re ready to feature it. Need one created? Lewis Marketing is here to help bring your vision to life.

On-screen advertising opportunities are now available at Holland Plaza in Orange City and Main Street 3 in Sheldon. Simply fill out the contact form below and hit “Submit” to send your interest directly to our video management team. We’ll be in touch soon to discuss pricing and options tailored to your needs!

What our client’s say

Don't take our word for it... Here's what some of our raving fans had to say!

Local Businesses Trust
Lewis Marketing